Wondering how you can make your income tax return more fun?


"We can't make it more fun, we can make it easier" is a common cry from the Taxman. But why can't we actually make income tax return advice more fun? Isn't there any method by which we can make income tax advice more fun and easier? Yes there is and his name is Jan the Taxman! Through his smooth talk and clear explanations, Jan the Taxman actually makes it more fun, or ... at least less tedious ;) If you do find the conversation getting boring, just point it out! Jan the Taxman will immediately provide you with one of his best jokes. A quick laugh and then back to business!

A quick laugh and then back to business!

Besides fun, the right income tax advice for the tax return is also important. The wrong advice can have major consequences. This is why many Dutch people need advice on their income tax returns. Jan de Belastingman is up to date, guarantees the right advice and is also free. That is always welcome, isn't it? Through Jan de Belastingman it can be done, and we'll explain how!


Income tax is exhausting.

Are you that person who finds taxes boring and has absolutely no desire to delve into them...Jan de Belastingman helps! When the tax return arrives in the mail again, you can assume that you not only have to fill out the tax return, but you also have to find out which rules have changed again this year. Super important of course, but at the same time not someone's favorite activity. Searching the internet, not being able to find your answer anywhere, tricky words of which you have no idea what they mean, exception upon exception... all very difficult. How nice that there is now just one platform where you can ask all your questions!

Income tax takes a lot of time.

Are you that person who doesn't find taxes tedious but just doesn't have time for them...Jan de Belastingman is here for you! Life is busy enough, you work and also want to maintain a bit of your social life. How great is it that now you are not dependent on the schedule of your tax advisor but can simply start the conversation at your convenience; 24/7! No matter when or where: Jan Belastingman is there for you!

Income tax advice costs a lot of money.

Are you that person who is fine completing your income tax return without an advisor but occasionally has a little question...Jan de Belastingman is the name! Instead of looking for the answer yourself or incurring costs for an advisor, it is now possible to get free income tax advice. And of course not from the first person, he responds immediately, talks clearly and is never grumpy! His name is: Jan, Jan de Belastingman.

Income tax is complicated.

Are you that person who has long since given up hope of understanding taxes? Have you now accepted that income tax is not for you and so you have in turn outsourced filling out a tax return? Understandable but give Jan the Tax Man one more chance! Chat with him and state what is unclear, there are no stupid questions! Jan the Taxman will immediately provide you with an understandable explanation and help you further on your way with your tax return.


Jan the Taxman wants to make tax advice more fun and easier for everyone. You can therefore register yourself completely free of charge and always use the income tax chat. Through this chat you will get in direct contact with a legal expert with knowledge of the law, who can help you with all your questions regarding income tax.

Our income tax chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So not only will you receive free advice on your income taxes, but you will also be helped quickly and efficiently at a time that is convenient for you. Grab a quick cup of coffee and your income tax return has never been so enjoyable!

If you have a question that can't be answered right away, no worries! Jan the Taxman is updated every 24 hours, chances are your answer will be there. Nice right! ;-)

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