What to arrange financially when you are pregnant and have a child?

Having a child is one of the most special and life-changing events in many people's lives. But in addition to all the emotions and practical matters involved in pregnancy, there are also many financial matters to take care of. In this article, we will discuss 9 important things to take care of financially when you are pregnant.


1. Insurance

One of the first things you need to arrange when you are pregnant is to check your health insurance. Health insurance does not cover all the costs involved in pregnancy and childbirth. It is therefore wise to look into supplementary insurance. In addition, it is important to look at other insurance policies, such as liability insurance and household insurance, to see if they are still up to date.

2. Leave and income

When you are pregnant, you are entitled to maternity leave and childbirth leave. This leave is (partly) paid by your employer and/or the government. It is wise to check how much leave you can take and how much income you will have. If your income drops, it may be wise to look at other sources of income.

3. Childcare allowance

If your child attends childcare, you may be entitled to childcare allowance. This allowance depends on your income and the number of children attending care. It is important to apply for the allowance on time and to consider the cost of child care.4.

4. Child budget

In addition to child care allowance, you may also be entitled to child budget. This is an allowance from the government for parents with children under 18 years of age with a low income. It is important to check your eligibility and how much allowance you can receive.

5. Maternity care

Maternity care is an important part of the care surrounding the birth of a child. It is therefore important to request maternity care from a maternity care organization on time. The costs of maternity care are (partially) reimbursed by the health insurance.

6. Testament and inheritance

When you have a child, it is wise to think about your will and inheritance. Who gets custody of your child when you are gone? And what about inheritance? It is wise to think about this in time and have a will drawn up at the notary.

7. Savings account

Having a child also means extra costs. It is therefore wise to open a savings account for your child. This way you can put money aside for the study of your child, but also for other costs involved in raising a child.

8. Changes in income and taxes

Having a child can also affect your income and taxes. For example, you may be entitled to certain tax benefits, such as child benefit. It is therefore wise to check in time for any changes in your income and taxes.

9. Child benefit

If you have a child, you may be entitled to child benefit. This is a contribution from the government for the costs of raising your child. The amount of child benefit depends on the age of your child.

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