Childcare Benefits: Everything you need to know

As a working parent, you naturally want your child to be well cared for while you are at work. However, childcare costs can be high. Fortunately, as a parent in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for childcare benefit. In this guide, you will read everything you need to know about childcare benefit.

What is childcare benefit?

Childcare benefit is a financial contribution from the government for parents who use childcare. It allows you to get part of the cost of childcare back. The amount depends on your income and the number of children in care.

For whom is childcare benefit?

Childcare benefit is intended for parents who are working, in education, reintegrating or following a job search program. You may also be eligible for childcare benefit if you work as a self-employed person.

How do you apply for childcare benefit?

You can apply for childcare benefit through the website of the Tax Administration. You will need a DigiD to do so. Make sure you have all the necessary information at hand, such as your child's citizen service number (BSN) and the details of the child care organization.

How is the amount of childcare benefit determined?

The amount of the child care benefit depends on several factors, such as the income of the parent(s), the number of children attending day care and the number of hours the children attend day care. The higher the income, the lower the benefit.

What are the requirements for childcare benefit?

To qualify for childcare benefit, you must meet a number of conditions. For example, the childcare organization must be registered in the National Register of Childcare and Nurseries (LRKP). In addition, you must pay part of the costs yourself; this is called the own contribution.

What about reclaims?

If you have received too much childcare benefit, you may have to pay it back. This can happen when, for example, there are changes in your income or when your child attends care for fewer hours. It is therefore important to report changes to the Tax Administration in time.